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Excess Usage Calculator 3

Sample Calculation 3 - Excess Water Usage

Excess usage experienced in June and July due to irrigation .  A failed irrigation line break caused 33.550 gallons excess usage in August.  No irrigation report was received in May.  The broken irrigation line was repaired.  Augusts excess usage did not qualify for water and sanitary district credit memos with the September 10th billing under the districts leak credit policy.

Excess Water UsageMeteredBaseExcessper hundredExcess $ Remaining Gal Over/(Under)
 Tier1 2,850x0.25=$7.13-
   2,850 $7.13
Totals from above Excess Water Usage Table
Total Excess Water $3,095.23
Quarterly Water Bill $166.00
Total Water Billing $3,261.23
Excess Usage - Tier 1-2$52.73$26.36
Excess Usage - Tier 3-5$3,042.50$3,042.50
Quarterly Sanitary Bill $234.00
Total Sanitary Billing $3,302.86
Excess Usage by TierIncremental Additional GalAct Excess Gal UsedWater District Excess Billed Sanitary District Excess Billed
Tier 13,0008,850$22.13$11.06
Tier 24,0004,080$30.60$15.30
Tier 34,0004,000$200.00$200.00
Tier 49,0009,000$810.00$810.00
Tier 5above 25K13,550$2,032.50$2,032.50
 Base Gal in Qtr15,000  
 Total Gal Used54,480