Rates, Fees & Charges
Quarterly Rates
The rates listed are for 5,000 gallon base use per month.
Water | 3/4" Meter Connections (295 hookups) | $191 |
1" Meter Connections (12 hookups) | $232 | |
Sanitary | 3/4" & 1" Meter Connections (346 hookups) | $288 |
Annual Rate
2" Meter Fire Suppression Service (1 hookup) $200
Monthly Excess Usage
Arch Cape is a water conservation district which encourages customers to use water sparingly. Average water use for two individuals living in Arch Cape full time is 2,600 - 3,600 gallons per month. A family of five uses from 4,600 - 6,200 gallons per month.
Excess usage fees apply after 5,000 gallons per month. FEES LISTED ARE PER 100 GALLONS
Tier | Usage | Water Fee | Sanitary Fee |
Tier 1 | 5001-8,000 gallons | $0.56 | $0.25 |
Tier 2 | 8001-12,000 gallons | $1.69 | $0.75 |
Tier 3 | 12001-16,000 gallons | $11.25 | $10.00 |
Tier 4 | 16,001-25,000 gallons | $20.25 | $18.00 |
Tier 5 | 25,001 gallons and up | $33.75 | $30.00 |
Billing Delinquency:
Shut Off Fees | For those accounts receiving a shut off notice and fail to bring their account to a paid up status, the following charges will apply: |
24 Hour Posting: A fee of $25 will be charged to those accounts for which there has been a twenty-four (24) hour physical posting prior to a scheduled service shut off date. | |
Disconnection and Reconnection: For those accounts proceeding to a water service shut off, there will be a $75 disconnection fee and a $75 reconnection fee. |
are one time fees charged on new development to help pay for existing and planned infrastructure projects.
Water | 3/4" Meters | $6,713 |
1" Meters | $16,792 | |
3/4" & 1" Meters - Connection Fee (including meter) | $1,200 | |
Sanitary | 3/4" Meters | $10,046 |
1" Meters | $25,107 | |
3/4" & 1" Meters - Connection Fee (including meter) | $200 |